DAC Tent Poles

Lighter and Stronger: Lighter weight promotes better technique and substantially enhances the outdoor experience. However, poles must also be safe. DAC tent poles are engineered to provide the increased strength and reliability required to safely cope with the most demanding conditions, while still remaining lightweight. The DAC tent pole range includes various types of tubes to suit different applications from heavy duty expedition to ultralight backpacking. 
TH72M – A better material: Our poles are made from TH72M – an aluminum alloy that has set the new benchmark for strength to weight performance. Devolped by DAC, the world leader in ultra lightweight technology, TH72M is tough, durable, robust, and clearly the first choice in material for lightweight outdoor adventure equipment. In a sport where dramatic brittle failure (characteristic of carbon fiber) must be avoided, TH72M is the obvious choice for tent poles you can trust. 
Eco-friendly: Our aluminum is anodized to maintain appearance and prevent corrosion. DAC received international recognition for developing the unique process of "green" anodizing TH72M. DAC's "eco friendly" process not only avoids the use of toxic chemicals like phosphoric and nitric acid, but it also helps to maintain the health of the DAC production team and conform with DAC's commitment to responsible corporate citizenship.
Expert Engineering: DAC has led the world in lightweight technology for over 27 years. The highest level of engineering skill and experience is supported by a sophisticated system of planning, control, and monitoring. DAC can respond to specific requirements, and meet the most demanding criteria and specifications. 
Various accessories: DAC provides 'screwlock' tips for easy repair – short tip, long tip, mushroom head tip, ball tip, etc. Nice looking compact J stakes are also available. Additionally, DAC provides various kind of hubs and other accessories for tent designers, making it possible to develop many different types of tent pole architectures.